We perform fuel testing by ASTM D2622 to measure the total sulfur in many types of petroleum products, including diesel, gasoline, ethanol, and lubricants. The quality of many petroleum products is related to the sulfur content. Knowledge of sulfur concentration is necessary for processing purposes. There are also federal, state, and local regulations that restrict the amount of sulfur present in some fuels. Sulfur by ASTM D2622 determines the total sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products that are single-phase and either liquid at ambient conditions, liquefiable with moderate heat, or soluble in hydrocarbon solvents. This includes diesel, gasoline, ethanol, lubricants, mineral oils, crude oil, and most fuel oils.
We also perform sulfur analysis by ASTM D129, ASTM D3227, ASTM D4294, ASTM D5623, ASTM D5453, ASTM D7039, IP 61, IP 342, ISO 3012, and UOP 163. These different test methods use different instruments or procedures or are used for certain sample types. Click on the test method number to learn more about each test.
Contact us today to receive a quote for your fuel testing.
Sample quantity required: 50 ml