We perform testing by ASTM D2879 to determine the vapor pressure of a sample, including the most volatile components, using an isoteniscope. The vapor pressure of a substance as determined by isoteniscope reflects a property of the sample as received including most volatile components, but excluding dissolved fixed gases such as air. Vapor pressure, per se, is a thermodynamic property which is dependent only upon composition and temperature for stable systems. The isoteniscope method is designed to minimize composition changes which may occur during the course of measurement.
We also perform vapor pressure testing by ASTM D323, ASTM D5191, ASTM D6377, and ASTM E1782. These different test methods use different instruments or procedures or are used for certain sample types. Click on the test method number to learn more about each test.
Sample quantity required: 120 ml
Contact us today to receive a quote for your testing.