We perform crude oil testing by ASTM D7691 to measure the trace metals occurring in crude oils. ASTM D7691 covers the determination of several elements (including iron, nickel, sulfur, and vanadium) occurring in crude oils using an ICP instrument. Trace elements in crude oil can have an adverse effect on petroleum refining and product quality, such as catalyst poisoning in the refinery and excessive atmospheric emission in fuel combustion.
We also perform metals testing by ASTM D4951, ASTM D5185M, ASTM D7111, and EPA 6010. These different test methods use different instruments or procedures or are used for certain sample types. Click on the test method number to learn more about each test.
For additional information on this test method or to purchase a copy of the method, please click HERE to open a new window and visit the ASTM website.
Contact us today to receive a quote for your lubricant testing.