We perform testing by ASTM D847 to determine the acidity of benzene, toluene, xylenes, solvent napthas, and similar industrial aromatic hydrocarbons. Acidity can cause equipment corrosion. This test is useful in quality control and in research and development work on industrial aromatic hydrocarbons.
We also perform acidity and acid number testing by ASTM D1613, ASTM D3242, ASTM D664, ASTM D7795, ASTM D974, IP 139, IP 177, IP 354, ISO 6618, ISO 6619, and SAE ARP5088. These different test methods use different instruments or procedures or are used for certain sample types. Click on the test method number to learn more about each test.
For additional information on this test method or to purchase a copy of the method, please click HERE to open a new window and visit the ASTM website.
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