An Unwavering Commitment to Quality

Navigating the complex world of water regulations can be a daunting task. That’s why we’re here to simplify the process for you. Our accredited testing services ensure you’re always in compliance, making your life easier.

Where Science Meets Sustainability

We provide analytical support to ensure you are meeting your discharge compliance obligations under municipal, state, and federal regulations.

About us

Our laboratory is your trusted source for comprehensive groundwater testing and analysis. With a passion for sustainability, and a commitment to preserving our environment, we provide advanced analytical services that help protect our precious water resources. From municipalities to industries, our solutions ensure the safe and responsible treatment of wastewater. Explore our services and join us in creating a cleaner, greener future for all.

Our project managers are ready to help you build a plan of action for all of your upcoming sampling events. If you have questions or need to request a quote, please reach out online and we will contact you ASAP.

We provide sampling containers, labels, and coolers which can be picked up, shipped, or delivered. Bottle kits vary depending on analysis requested. Please allow 24 hours for orders to be processed and shipped.

SPL has 26 branch offices serving North America. We offer a wide range of field services and on-site sampling. Contact us today. Our field team is ready to assist you.

How Analytical Testing Works

From the field to the laboratory, we ensure quality service and accurate results. Our processes have a fully integrated QA/QC program that enables us to maintain standards of quality far beyond the minimal levels required.


A certified SPL field technician will:

  • Perform on-site analysis and collect sample media
  • Preserve samples by cooling to 6° C.
  • Complete field QA/QC documentation and Chain of Custody.


We ship samples overnight in a cooler containing:

  • Ice to ensure appropriate temperature.
  • Field documents that will stay with the sample until report is generated.
  • All coolers are sealed with a custody seal and marked for short holds or rushes.


We ship samples overnight in a cooler containing:

  • Verify proper holding time and temperature upon arrival.
  • Log samples and assign a sample ID.
  • Transport samples to the lab cooler to await analysis.

View and Track Your Results Online

SPL’s WebLDS portal provides our customers with real-time 24-hour access to their data.

Corporate Headquarters

24 Waterway Ave. Ste. 375

The Woodlands, TX 77356